"Responding to the need that is out there"
PO Box 1657, Burlington, VT 05401
Ph# 802 862-4501
Click here for Thank you VIDEO"JUMP in a VirtualJoyous Mood!"

JUMP in a Virtual Joyous Mood!

The Joint Urban Ministry Project (JUMP) is in a joyous mood, raising $14,500 for the Virtual RUN or Walk fundraising event which began on September 26th with a goal to raise $15,000. The fact that the amount significantly surpassed last year’s goal of $12,000 is a testament to how many believe in JUMP’s work in our community.


“JUMP has been supporting Vermont neighbors impacted by poverty over 30 years which has been a fight we have not journeyed alone.” observed Wanda Hines, Director. “Volunteers, faith community, business community, donors and our partners, time after time continue to rally and step up to support us in helping neighbors move out of crisis and become more economically independent.”


Virtual RUN or Walk participants really enjoyed the event as shared by mother and daughter, Juniper & Mandy, “Thanks for all you do. We love JUMP" and Katharine Stockman; JUMP Board of Directors member, “Great day for a beautiful walk for a wonderful organization JUMP.”


We wish to express our deepest gratitude to donors and volunteers for their steadfast support and ongoing generosity especially dealing with uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic.  Lastly, many thanks and much gratitude to all our sponsors and contributors, who made the Virtual RUN possible; event Underwriter: NBT Bank. Gold Sponsor: O'Brien Brothers. Silver Sponsors: Aubuchon Hardware Shelburne, Dell' Amore Marinara, Leonardo's Pizza, J and M Groceries, and Sweeney Design Build. Bronze Sponsors: Advantage Learning Center "Champ Math & Reading", Ann Roche, All Aspects Tile and Carpentry, Naturally Cool VT, Archie’s Grill, The Scoop, Exterus Business Furniture, Piazza 44, Association of Africans Living in Vermont, Midas of S. Burlington, Shelburne Pond Studios, and Wildwood Drive Families. Contributors: Amazon, August First, Bueno Y Sano, Hair Forte, Healthy Living, Leunig's Bistro & Cafe, The Mane House, McKenzie Country Classic, Peg and Ter's Bar and Kitchen, and Zero Gravity.         


"CONGRATULATIONS TOP Virtual RUN Fundraisers!"

Congratulations 2020 Virtual RUN or walk individual and Team participant award winners for fundraising the most on September 26th, goal $15,000.


JUMP raised $14,500 and the fact that the amount significantly surpassed last year’s goal of $12,000 is a testament to how many believe in JUMP’s work in our community. 

Top (5) INDIVIDUALS winners and awards

1st            $565 - Ashley Couture     Prize: $75 - Peg & Ter - Bar & Kitchen

2nd           $555 - Lucy Samara        Prize: $50 - Healthy Living

3rd            $525 - Clark Family         Prize: $50 - Mckenzie Country Classic

4th            $420 - Wanda Hines        Prize: $50 - August First

5th            $400 - Mandy Fischer      Prize: $50 - Healthy Living


Team Top (2) TEAM winners and awards      

1st            $305 - Shelburne Pond Studios                    Prize: $50 - Leunig's Bistro & Café

2nd           $175 - Star Team                                        Prize: $30 - Zero Gravity Craft

3rd           $120 - Mallets Bay Congregational Church, UCC    Prize: $50 Healthy Living 


Again, congratulations TOP fundraisers.