The JUMP - Joint Urban Ministry Project - Drop-In Center is open for in-person assistance on Thursday and Friday mornings from 9am to 11:30am - providing assistance to 15 households each morning.
JUMP is located at 38 South Winooski Avenue in Burlington, VT in donated space at the First Congregational Church.
PLEASE NOTE: We have shifted back to in-person services and are no longer accepting online applications.
To receive assistance - visit the JUMP Drop-In Center.
Assistance from the JUMP Drop-In Center includes the options of: utility grants (gas, electric, etc.), assistance with the cost of food and laundry services as well as toiletries, vouchers to local thrift shops, and hospitality.
To receive assistance, bring you ID with you to JUMP. If you are requesting assistance with utilities, also bring a copy of your utility bill.