JUMP’s mission is “To promote the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of people by providing compassionate care, direct assistance to meet basic needs, and advocacy”.  



Founded in 1988 by five downtown Burlington faith communities and now receiving key support (funds, volunteers and material donations) from more than 20 area faith communities, JUMP has long been a resource for our economically disadvantaged neighbors in search of basic human needs and opportunities to increase self-sufficiency and quality of life.  JUMP’s services are provided with compassion and without discrimination or judgement, to all ages, including to the unemployed, under-employed, homeless, families experiencing food insecurity, victims of domestic abuse, the formerly incarcerated, those living with physical or mental disabilities, those living in recovery from or presently suffering with substance abuse and those living paycheck to paycheck.  JUMP assists in meeting the immediate needs of our vulnerable neighbors by providing grants to help pay utility bills, vouchers for food, clothing, personal care and cleaning items and essential household goods.  Assistance with utility bills not only helps keep people warm and with power to their homes but assists in timely paying of bills to prevent shut-offs. 


The JUMP Board of Directors is working diligently to increase the number of households that JUMP can assist in the year ahead.  The Board is working closely with staff and volunteers to increase JUMP's resilience and flexibility to adapt to changing needs in the community effectively and thoughtfully. 


Every PersonWe respect the value and dignity of every human life, and work to make every interaction at JUMP one that is positive for all.


Interfaith: As an interfaith organization, we honor the faith journey of all JUMP clients, volunteers, and staff. We value diverse spiritual perspectives and work together to maintain a strong ministry.


Collaboration: JUMP collaborates with many denominations, congregations, and social service agencies to provide necessary financial and human resources.


Advocacy: We understand the importance of our services to each individual while recognizing that these services are not a solution to poverty in our community. Therefore, we tell JUMP's story in our congregations and in the wider community to encourage advocacy for systemic changes.