For thirty-five years, JUMP has been listening and responding to the real needs of people with thoughtful, practical assistance, informed referrals, and warm hospitality.  

Thousands of adults and children have been assisted by JUMP in meaningful ways, including Maggie, Linda, Ahmed and Suzanne: 


  • I’m thrifty, I often wash my clothes in the bathtub, I needed help with my heat bill in the winter and JUMP was there for me.”  - Linda, 48
  • "After I pay my rent, there is little left.  The help I get from JUMP helps me provide for my kids.”  - Ahmed, 32
  • “Food prices are way up, our rent is high, it is very hard for my family.” - Suzanne, 45
  • “My husband is cancer is in remission now. JUMP’s help has meant a lot to us as our budget is very tight as we wait for subsidized housing – it’s a 3 to 6 year wait!” - Maggie, 79                                       


COMMUNITY NEEDS: With the poverty rate exceeding 20% in our region of Vermont, many need the assistance that JUMP provides.  Budgets are stretched thin in this time as all are experiencing higher food costs and for many, the cost of housing has continued to rise.  In just the first ten weeks of 2023, JUMP assisted 522 households, representing 1121 individuals (360, under 17; 640 aged 18 to 64; and 121 were 65+); 63 were without housing.  The 522 households received: $10,355 in thrift shop/goodwill vouchers - $14,240 in food vouchers - $1,524 in laundromat vouchers, and $5,750 in payments to utility providers.


CHANGES at JUMP: In March we said a fond farewell to two devoted JUMP staff members, Director Wanda Hines and Direct Service Staff, Mary Stannard Carter.  We are thankful that for ten years, Wanda did much to strengthen JUMP’s vital mission. Wanda, who has moved out-of-state to devote time to her extended family, will be missed at JUMP and in Vermont.   Mary, beloved by many at JUMP, resigned due to health challenges and has been assisting JUMP during this transition time. 


2023 INTERIM STAFF: Pastor Gary O'Gorman staffed the JUMP Outreach Center through the spring and summer months and into September with Mary Stannard Carter covering some vacation days.  Helen Head and Rev. Bill Neil, with the support of Shannon Lemley-Willis have staffed the Outreach Center this fall and into the winter. Along with our wonderful Outreach Center volunteers - we have had a positive and talented team managing JUMP this year.


YOUR DONATION WILL HELP VERMONT FAMILIES: JUMP needs your support – your donation – to respond effectively to the many whose lives are impacted by the realities of poverty.  JUMP represents a real way for you to assist our most vulnerable neighbors thoughtfully and effectively. JUMP client Hanna shares her appreciation of JUMP with these words: “Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for showing me that good people always exist.”


WHY GIVE TO JUMP NOW? We need your support to continue this meaningful work. During 2023 we have taken major steps, transitioning from providing services largely online in 2022 (75%), to mainly in person direct services in 2023. We are regularly assisting more than 30 households/individuals each week.  With your support that number will increase in 2024, the result will be thousands of people - children and adults - assisted in practical, thoughtful ways through JUMP next year.

HOW to GIVE: Mail a check made payable to JUMP - to JUMP, PO Box 1657, Burlington, VT 05402 - or to give online CLICK HERE to transition to the DONATE page on this website. Thank you!


With hope and gratitude,


Anne Tewksbury-Frye

JUMP Board President