"Responding to the need that is out there"
PO Box 1657, Burlington, VT 05401
Ph# 802 862-4501
Directory of Supporting Faith Communities

All Saints Episcopal Church
Address:  1250 Spear St.
                   South Burlington, VT 05403
Phone:      862-9750
E-Mail        allsaints16@gmail.com
Web:          http://www.allsaints16sbvt.org

Ascension Lutheran Church
Address:   95 Allen Rd.
                   South Burlington, VT  05403
Phone:       862-8866
E-Mail:       church.office@alcvt.org
Web:                 www.alcvt.org

Burlington Shambhala Center
Address:   187 South Winooski Ave.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:       658-6795
Web:          www.burlington.shambhala.org

Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Episcopal)
Address:   2 Cherry St.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:      864-0471
E-Mail:      sarahg@stpaulscathedralvt.org
Web:         www.stpaulscathedralvt.org

Charlotte Congregational Church
Address:   PO Box 12, 403 Church Hill Rd.
                  Charlotte, VT 05445
Phone:      425-3176
E-Mail:       charlotteucc@gmavt.net
Web:         www.charlottecongregationalchurch.org

Christ Church Presbyterian
Address: 400 South Prospect St.
                 Burlington, VT 05401
Phone:     862-1898
E-Mail:     info@christchurchburlington.org
Web:        www.christchurchburlington.org

College Street Congregational Church
Address:   265 College St.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:       864-7704
E-Mail:       cscc01@juno.com
Web:          www.collegestreetchurchvt.org

Dormition Greek Orthodox Church
Address:   600 South Willard St.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:       862-2155
Web:          www.gocvt.org

Essex Center United Methodist Church
Address:   119 Center Rd.
                   Essex Jct., VT 05452
Phone:       878-8304
E-Mail:       essex_umc@myfairpoint.net
Web:          www.essexumc.com

Faith United Methodist Church
Address:   899 Dorset St.
                   South Burlington, VT  05403
Phone:       863-6764
E-Mail:       faithom@myfairpoint.net
Web:          www.gbgm-umc.org/faith-sburlington/

First Baptist Church
Address:   81 St. Paul St.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:       864-6515
E-Mail:       fbcbvt@together.net
Web:          www.fbcburlingtonvt.org

First Congregational Church, Burlington
Address:   38 South Winooski Ave.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:       862-5010
E-Mail:       fcb@firstchurchburlington.org
Web:          www.firstchurchburlington.org

First Congregational Church, Essex Jct.
Address:   1 Church St.
                   Essex Jct., VT  05452
Phone:       878-5745
E-Mail:       welcome@fccej.org
Web:          www.fccej.org

First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington
Address:   152 Pearl St.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:       862-5630
E-Mail:       office@uusociety.org
Web:          www.uusociety.org

First United Methodist Church
Address:   21 Buell St.
                   Burlington, VT 05401
Phone:       862-1151
E-Mail:       officemanager@fumcburlington.org
Web:          www.fumcburlington.org
Grace United Methodist Church
Address:   130 Maple St.
                    Essex Jct., VT  05452
Phone:        878-8071
E-Mail:        ejgumc@myfairpoint.net
Web:           www.gbgm-umc.org/grace-essexjct/  

Malletts Bay Congregational Church
Address:   1675 West Lakeshore Rd.
                    Colchester, VT  05446
Phone:        658-9155
E-Mail:        gebc50@aol.com
Web:           www.mbccvt.org

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue
Address:   188 North Prospect St.
                   Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:       864-0218
Web:          www.ohavizedek.org

Religious Society of Friends,
Burlington Meeting
Address:   173 North Prospect St.
                    Burlington, VT  05401
Phone:        660-9221
Web:           www.burlingtonquakers.org

Shelburne United Methodist Church
Address:   PO Box 163, 30 Church St.
                   Shelburne, VT  05482
Phone:       985-3981
E-Mail        shelburne.umc@myfairpoint.net
Web:          http://shelburneumc.org/

St. Andrews Episcopal Church
Address:   1063 Prim Rd.
                   Colchester, VT  05446
Phone:       658-0533
E-Mail:       standrewscolches@aol.com
Web:          www.dioceseofvermont.org/Churches/Colchester

St. James Episcopal Church
Address:   4 St. James Place
                   Essex Jct., VT  05452
Phone:       878-3282
E-Mail:       contact@stjamesvt.org
Web:          www.stjamesvt.org

Trinity Episcopal Church
Address:   5171 Shelburne Rd.
                   Shelburne, VT  05482
Phone:       985-2269
E-Mail:       info@trinityshelburne.org
Web:          www.trinityshelburne.org

Unity Church of Vermont
Address:   PO Box 9468
                   S. Burlington, VT 05407
Phone:       288-9265
E-Mail:       unityvt@together.net
Web:          wwwunityofvermont.org

Williston Federated Church
Address:    44 North Williston Rd.
                    Williston, VT  05495
Phone:        878-5792
E-Mail:        office@steeple.org
Web:           www.steeple.org

Winooski United Methodist Church
Address:    24 West Allen Street
                    Winooski, VT  05404
Phone:        655-7371
Web:         www.winooskiunitedmethodistchurch.org